Ghasa, 2700m (Nepal)

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My legs were still tired this morning but they soon loosened up, my thighs hurt if I squeeze them but it’s OK. Today’s walking has been OK, we set off at 0715 and arrived at Ghasa at 1345 which is pretty good going. It’s been cloudy for most of the day which has made it not too hot. Having said that, just after sitting down to write this 2 loud crashes of thunder reverberated up the valley - I hope it only rains when I’m not walking. We’ve mostly been walking along the valley bottom, occasionally on the pebbles. I can’t think of much else to write really, the views have been limited by cloud and the walking easy. Another day in the Himalayan foothills. Today probably had two of the largest mule trains so far, but that’s about it. Coincidently, the Swiss guy is staying here and we’ve agreed that this side of the circuit is boring and not as special due to the increase in tourism. It feels like it could be anywhere. Tal to Jomsom was the best bit I think. Also, I thought Nepal was supposed to be devoid of creepy crawlies. Evidentally not as there was a large furry spider in the toilet just now.

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